Just when we think we’ve got this thing figured out, Covid throws us a new curve. BTA has been notified that — due to Jefferson County moving to Level Red on the COVID-19 dial — the APEX Tennis Center will now be restricted to no more than ten players at a time on their indoor courts.
With that restriction, APEX is giving BTA sole possession of the indoor courts for that 6 – 8 p.m. slot. So instead of four courts of doubles, we will be offering only two courts of doubles — eight players — at the December 5 session. And since we already have eight players signed up, registration for this session is now closed.
On the bright side, this does mean that our eight players will have the run of a facility roughly the size of a small airport hangar. And that they will be able to keep an unoccupied court (or two) between each active court.
Other than that, nothing has changed. Masks are required to be worn into the building, but once you’re on the court and hitting, it’s a mask-free — or rather, mask-optional — environment. And if for some reason a registered player finds that they are unable to attend, he/she is responsible for filling their spot. If an issue comes up, you can contact Eduardo at eduardoboulder@gmail.com.
Carry on, and keep playing tennis!
The BTA Board